from the Turning Good People Into Top Talent blog series
By Bob Moore, CMC, Managing Principal, Talent Management Institute
If you answered, “Technology,” you are correct. However, an article in the August 2015 issue of Talent Management Magazine validated my concerns. True technology requires different thinking which reminded me of a famous quote. Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” He also gave us the famous quote that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.
The article stated that some forward thinking organizations have embraced the mindset of integrated talent management. We at the Talent Management Institute recommend embracing talent management as a system. We have developed the Total Talent Management System™ which has ten elements. These elements involve the functions traditionally addressed by Human Resources which could include HRD and/or HRM, Organizational Development (OD). For optimal effectiveness, the ten elements of this talent ecosystem must be linked and supported within an integrated IT System.
It is becoming clear that by whatever title you use, the Chief Information (IT) Officer and the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) need to be at the strategy table when Talent Management Systems are being planned and implemented. The greatest concern beyond the technical aspects is the quality of the data and the measurement systems used in a talent management system.
After thoughtful planning, I recommend the implementation of a talent management system that focuses on each element working well independently. However, there are essential strategic prerequisites that assure a successful implement. For example, the applicant tracking and screening system must be integrated with the recruiting system and ultimately with the selection system. From there, the system needs to include all of the hiring and onboarding processes that may not yet be on an IT platform.
The most provocative comment in the article was that the talent technology ecosystem of tomorrow will not come from a technology vendor. It will be created by courageous leaders who know the culture they want and how to bring it to life. Al Adamson, author of the article, concluded by saying, “Design the future you want; then look for partners to help bring them to life.
Free Special Report
Click on the following link to get a free copy of the special report about the Total Talent Management System™ and to be notified of the upcoming online presentation which will explore each of the ten elements:
Bob Moore, CMC
Managing Principal