Bob Moore, CMC, Founder and Managing Principal.
Bob is the author of the book, Turning Good People
Into To Talent, an internationally recognized Talent
Development authority,
Bob is also the founder and CEO of Effectiveness, Inc.
serving business owners and executives who want
to accelerate progress toward sustainable growth
for over three decades.
He developed The Effectiveness Coach® System that
can optimize the capacity of professionals and executives
to achieve their Massively Transformative Purpose.
Bob is a highly credentialed pioneer in the consulting and
coaching industry and was awarded both the Certified
Management Consultant (CMC) and Master Certified
Coach (MCC) designations achieved by less than 1%
of all coaches and consultants. He is a graduate of
North Carolina State University with graduate work in psychology.
Dr. Shayne Tracy, CMC, Principal
Dr. Tracy earned a PhD from Columbia Pacific University,
a Masters Degree from Brock University and has over 25
years experience as an Organizational Development Specialist.
He is a Certified Odyssey Consultant, a Facilitator with the
Odyssey Consulting Institute, co-author of Odyssey-
The Business of Consulting, a Master Certified Coach
and certifies candidates for the Certified Master Coach
Designation worldwide for the Behavioral Coaching Institute.