3rd Installment from the Turning Your Good People Into Top Talent Blog Series
The best way to plan and conduct a feedback session is to reflect on it as if it had already happened.
Bestselling author, Stephen Covey, reminds us in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, to begin with the end in mind.
Consider the following seven questions prior to conducting a feedback session:
- Did I stimulate learning, inspire action and commitment to higher levels of personal accountability?
- Was the feedback delivered in a timely manner and closely connected to the issues to be discussed?
- Did I come across as helpful rather than attempting to manipulate, control or coerce?
- Was the feedback delivered in a positive, non-judgmental manner?
- Was I compassionate and understanding while being authentic and candid?
- Did I present valid observations rather than imply any negative motives or attitudes?
- Did I enhance the other person’s self-esteem and build trust rather than damage it?
Answering these questions in advance can create a mindset that can help you prepare to conduct a highly effective feedback session.
Please add a comment about any experiences you have had giving or receiving feedback.
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Bob Moore, CMC®