Workplace Stress

Stress: A Natural Reaction

Stress:  A Natural Reaction All of us have found ourselves with sweaty hands or felt our heart pounding during a scary or risky situation. This is an automatic response developed in our ancient ancestors as a way to protect them from predators and other threats.  Whenever we are faced with danger, real or imagined, our […]

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Indicators of High Workplace Stress

The Seven Contributors and Consequences of High Levels of Workplace Stress High levels of absenteeism and illness Low employee morale High level of staff turnover Low levels of employee engagement Customer complaints Low productivity and efficiency Negative impact on bottom line profits How many do you recognize and what are the consequences if they persist? Introducing […]

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Reduce Workplace Stress through Managerial Practices

Workplace Stress Research Joel Goh, Harvard Business School assistant professor of business administration, says that the workplace is where we spend a lot of the time—a third of our day.  Mr. Goh’s findings indicate that employers can take measures to potentially improve employee health by engaging in managerial practices that mitigate or reduce stress. It’s […]

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The High Cost of Workplace Stress

Workplace Stress Research Michael Blanding, a senior writer for Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, reported on a study that found that workplace stress is very bad for health and indicates that our health costs are way above that of other countries.  Other findings indicate that workplace stress contributes to at least 120,000 deaths and anywhere […]

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Workplace Stress Making You Sick?

Workplace Stress Research In a Forbes Magazine article, Michael Blanding, a senior writer for Harvard Business School Working Knowledge, reported on a study that found our work can literally make us sick. Long hours, impossible demands from bosses, and uncertain job security can take their toll on our mental and physical well-being, leading to stress-induced […]

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