Advisory Members
Advisory Board
Harrison M. Dean, MHA, FCHE, CMC,
over 30 years experience in healthcare
administration, currently Senior VP at
Baptist Health in Little Rock, AR,
recipient of ACHE Regents’s Award –
Senior Level Healthcare Executive,
American College of Healthcare Executives
Rick Rocchetti, MSOD, SPHR,
over 25 years of experience in
public/private/international arenas
leading organizational development and learning.
Paul A. Wasylkevych, SPHR,
over 25 years of experience in
Human Resource Management,
Risk and Safety, recipient of the
North Carolina Human Resource
Hall of Fame 2014 Award in honor
of a lifetime of achievement and
service to the human resources profession.
Jeffrey Ring, PhD, is a clinical health psychologist,
Principal at Health Management Associates, and
author who knows culturally responsive integrated
health care from the inside out.
Jeff has served in leadership positions in the Group on
Minority Health and Multicultural Education within the
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine and the Society
for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race
within the American Psychological Association. He has
lectured and published widely on culturally responsive
care, medical education and physician well being.