Are You Working Too Hard at Employee Engagement

from the Turning Good People Into Top Talent blog series
By Bob Moore, CMC, Managing Principal, Talent Management Institute

engagement girl hand raised

Many companies have elaborate programs focused on improving levels of employee engagement.  Countless surveys indicate little or no noticeable improvement in the dismal level of employee disengagement—still averaging around 70% nationally in the U.S.

It has been clearly documented that how your workers are managed is the primary cause of the engagement problem.  Do you know what most workers say about their mangers that causes them to shut down?  It is the unwillingness to listen and consider their input about how to get more done in less time with less effort.

I recently read an article entitled, “The One Thing” and I started wondering about how that could be posed as a question to employees.  For example, ask, “What’s the one thing I could do that would help you be more successful at work?” The key is to really want to hear the feedback by providing your undivided attention to the answer.  That means no reading what is on your desk, texting or answering your phone.

Then, sincerely thank the employee and give an honest response.  If you can do it say so and by what target date.  If you can’t, say you will give it serious consideration and will get back to the employee.  By the way, you may need to have smelling salts handy just in case someone faints from shock by your “unusual” behavior.

There is an assortment of cost-effective online team leadership development programs that could be just right as a refresher.  I highly recommend the Essential Skills of Communication, about 2 hours total time for the online version.

Click on the following link to learn more about talent development resources available at the Talent Management Institute.

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Bob Moore, CMC
Managing Principal

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